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• Music Ministries •

“The musical tradition of the universal Church is a treasure of inestimable value, greater even than that of any other art.”  – Sacrosanctum Concilium

Music is a beautiful way in which the people of God lift their hearts in prayer set to song.  It is indeed an art, a ministry, and a great way to experience and enrich your own spirituality.  Saint Augustine once said that “singing is praying twice” because it involves all that you are mentally, physically and spiritually.

If you feel called to serve in music ministry, then consider joining the music programs here at St. Johns.  Presently we have cantors, organists, an adult Traditional choir, and a contemporary ensembles.  We certainly encourage all youth with musical and/or singing ability to join our music programs and use their wonderful God-given gifts.


Contact: Andrew Angstadt 610.451.5664/ angstadtstjohnmusic@gmail.com

• Ministers of Hospitality •

Ministers of Hospitality are greeters and “Ambassadors of Hospitality” who welcome those who come together to worship. They seat people, take up the collection, assist with the smooth flow of the communion procession and distribute the parish bulletin after Mass. Ministers may also be asked to assist with special liturgies during the year including First Communion and Confirmation. All men and women of the parish from High School age on up are welcome.

To join, inquire with one of the ministers at Mass, or Contact: Deacon Joe Lombardo at 610.777.2542


• Altar Servers •

The duty of the Altar Server is to assist the priest at Mass and other liturgical services.  The altar server performs an important role in maintaining the sacredness and dignity of the Mass through reverent example in this ministry.  The altar server must know the prayers of the Congregation, make the proper responses, and maintain the proper respect required, and perform those duties necessary to assist the priest prior, during, and after Mass.

Boys and girls prepare to be altar servers as they enter the forth grade and are able to serve throughout high school, if they so wish.  Those who wish to serve, go through a period of training before they are commissioned to serve at Mass.

Contact the Parish Office at 610.777.1697

*** We also have several teams of Adult Altar Servers who serve at funerals. If interested in helping out in this ministry, call the Parish Office at the above number.


• Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion •

The Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist the parish priests in taking communion to the sick, the home-bound and nursing homes in the parish as well as administering the Eucharist at liturgies.

Extraordinary Ministers are commissioned at the invitation of the Pastor.  They must be members of the parish, people of good character, faithful in living their Baptismal commitments, and (if married) be in a valid marriage that is recognized by the Church. Requirements include a commitment to undertake the office of distributing the Body and Blood of the Lord at Sunday liturgies, Holy Days and special liturgies where it is necessary to facilitate the distribution of Holy Communion, and partaking in acts of mercy by taking the Eucharist to those unable to come to Sunday Mass due to illness or age.

Contact: Bernadette Yohn at 610.777.1697 or 610.777.6297


• Lectors •

The Ministry of Lector is vital to the celebration of liturgy. They proclaim the Word of God reading from the Sacred scriptures at all public liturgical functions. In addition to the 2 readings, Responsorial psalms, general intercessions, and special announcements become the responsibility of the lector. Special effort should be made to study and read the Scriptures so that the public proclamation aids all of the community to grow closer to God.

Contact Deacon Joe Lombardo at 610.777.2542

• Pre-Jordan Classes /Baptism Prep •

Baptismis a precious gift given by God through the Church.  Baptism is the gift of new life, the eternal life of the risen Christ.  This gift is a sacrament, an encounter with Christ himself.  Your decision to bring your child to be baptized brings the entire Family of Faith at St. John’s great delight!

Please take time to read and reflect on the two attachments:  Awaiting the Birth of Your Child and Baptism Is a Gift

For now, the Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month at 12:30 PM.  Parents requesting Baptism for their child mustattend our Baptism Program which is scheduled every month.

Please call the parish office to register for the Baptism Program at: 610.777.1697.

NOTE: You must be a registered and practicing member of the Parish for at least six (6) months before you can receive a letter to be a Sponsor for Baptism or Confirmation


• Church Linens/ Sacristans •

The altar linens used for celebrating Mass are gathered up after the Masses each Sunday and are taken home to be washed and ironed.

If interested in helping in this ministry, please contact: Elaine Strick at: 610.856.7264

• Baptismal Bibs •

Contact – Parish Office at 610.777.1697



• Parish Finance Council •

The Finance Council is a consultative body that advises and assists the pastor in financial matters. The Council oversees the financial health of the parish. It recommends plans and directed courses of action to meet the financial needs of the parish. The Council also advises the pastor on any capital improvements that may be needed. The Council reviews financial reports during the year and assists the pastor in his review of the Annual Diocesan Financial Report. Meetings are held (6) times a year. Membership includes the pastor and lay members, appointed by the pastor.

• Faith Formation / Pastoral Council •

This Council is a consultative body that advises and assists the Pastor in areas of pastoral concerns. The Council represents the needs of the parish community making recommendations, decisions and fostering full participation of the entire parish in the pastoral life and mission of the parish. The principal functions include advising and assisting the pastor in the following areas: Christian Community, Education/Faith Formation, Evangelization, Leadership, Service, Stewardship, Worship and communication. The Council consists of approximately 8 members including the pastor, deacon and lay members of the parish. The Pastoral Council meets several times a year from September through June.


• Food Pantry & Emergency Meals Ministry •

Non-perishable food donations are collected each Sunday at the Masses and then distributed to the local Food Bank in Mohnton. Drivers are needed to collect the food and take to the Food Bank. We are also looking for volunteers to provide emergency meals when the need arises.

If interested, please call Kate Roche at: 610.777.4792


• Prayer Shawl Ministry •

This group supplies shawls for the sick at home, those hospitalized and in Nursing Homes. Members meet once a month. In a spirit of prayerful silence, they crochet or knit the shawls, once done they are blessed by Fr. Ed and then distributed. Those who cannot attend, can crochet or knit at home. Material donations are always welcome. All who knit or crochet, or have a desire to learn, are welcome to join.

Contact: Elaine Strick: 610.856.7264


• Rosary and Mass Helpers at Nursing Home Mass •

On the (4) Fourth Wednesday of each month at 10:30, members of the parish community gather to celebrate Mass with the residents of Mifflin Center Nursing Home on Philadelphia Ave. here in Shillington. They also meet to pray the rosary every Friday at 1:00PM. Anyone from the parish is welcome to join in this celebration where we join in fellowship and prayer with the residents. We are in need of volunteers to assist in bringing the residents from their rooms to the worship space.

If interested please call: Pat Goodhart at 610.777.4817 or Mike & Billie Resch 610.775.3927


• Martha’s Ministry •

This is an energetic group of parishioners, both men and women, who volunteer to clean the church once a month on the second Wednesday after the 8:00 AM Mass. Their goal is to maintain a welcoming and beautiful space for all who come to worship. More volunteers are always needed!

Contact: Carol Bensing at 610.777.9360


• Bereavement and Healing Ministry •

The goal of this ministry is to comfort the newly bereaved in our parish family, by letting them know that the parish priest and parishioners are available to the family not only at the time of death but for as long as needed. Members of this ministry are adult volunteers with good listening skills and a genuine desire to assist those who have lost a loved one. The group meets in the Fr. Lyon’s Room on Sundays at 6:00PM.

Contact: Sue Artz at 610.775.7743 or Vicki Pinder at 610.678.6436 or Roseann Kumor at 610.775.7431.


• Parish Advocate for Disabilities •

Contact Kate Roche at: 610.777.4792


• Justice in Action Ministry •

JAM practices Catholic Social Teaching in action by serving those in need within our family of faith and beyond, and by advocating for issues of social justice.

Contact Arlene Seeber at  484.794.8027 or arleneseeber@icloud.com


• Culture of Life Ministry •

The Parish Respect Life Group aims to build an awareness of current issues concerning the unborn, persons with disabilities, the elderly and other life issues. Through the course of the year, they coordinate the Advent Giving Tree and the sale of carnations on Mother’s Day for Life Line.

For more information call Bob Peters at: 610.775.8965


• Breaking Bread Social Committee •

This Committee is involved in the planning and implementing of Parish wide social activities, for the purpose of bringing the St. John’s Parish family together in a closer bond with one another as Jesus has taught us. Details of all  events are announced by the cantor in Church and published in the Church bulletin. New members and new ideas are always welcomed.

Contact – Lois Lombardo at 610.777.2542


• Communications Committee •

This group meets a handful of times a year to provide new ideas and insights to all things communications within the Parish. Past accomplishments have been a new parish website, a newly formatted bulletin, and  giving St. Johns a presence in the social media world. Consider joining this low commitment group and sharing your ideas to better our Parish.

Contact – Sarah Capato at 610.850.4978

• St. Pauls Street Evangelization •

Contact – Gina Aldi at  484.769.5346



• Garden and Grounds Ministry •

This group strives to enhance the exterior of our parish buildings by planting and maintaining flowers and shrubs around the church and parish property. Needed are those who have the ability to help with initial plantings in the Spring and monthly maintenance of the gardens throughout the Summer and Fall. This is a wonderful parish activity, especially for families with children!

Contact: Chris Hofmann at: 610.777.2523


• Knights of Columbus •

Holy Name Council 7179- A Catholic Fraternal Men’s society organized for the purpose of supporting various parish and church wide projects. Assistance is offered to members and their families as well as to the parish. The Knights also select certain charitable groups to support throughout the year. Opportunities for social and fund-raising events are offered throughout the year. General meetings are held on the First Monday of the month at 7:30 PM in the Fr. Lyons room.

For more information, contact Bill Griffith at 484.797.0669

• Brownies / Daisies •

Groups meet on Mondays after school, 2:30 pm in the Fr. Lyons Room.
Please contact La Salle Academy


• Prime Timers •

Group of members of St. John’s parish who are age 50 years and older who gather to get to know each other and enjoy each other’s company. Regular monthly meetings convene September through June on the first Tuesday of the month at 1:00 PM in the Fr. Lyons room. Meetings consist of a short business section, followed by, either guest speakers, entertainment, or socials.
Contact –  Nick Bentz at 610.777.8864


• CYO Sports •

Contact- Tony Cannon at 215.872.0240



• Prayer Line Ministry •

Prayer is a beautiful way that we share our faith in God and our love for one another. Your only obligations is to receive the names and short intentions by phone and pass them on to the next Prayer Line volunteers. Your prayers are said on your own time and place.

For more information please contact Judy Peters 610.775.8965


• Faith Sharing for Women •

Faith Sharing for Women began in December 2008 when a small group of women from St. John’s came together to share prayer and the stirrings in their hearts during a series of reflections during Advent. Now in its seventh year, FSW includes both a morning group and an evening group that meet year round, once a month, for prayer and reflection.

The coming Sunday Scripture readings form the foundation of the sharing which follows the prayer pattern known as Lectio Divina. Lectio Divina means holy reading or reading with God. It is the ancient art of slow contemplative praying of the Scriptures so that the Word of God can reach into our hearts and minds and draw us into a deeper relationship with God. Through Lectio Divina we learn to listen with the ear of our heart. The Catholic Bishops of the United States have encouraged a resurgence of Lectio Divina among the laity.

When we share our prayer with one another in a group, we offer each other compassionate listening and caring attention as we develop trust with one another as members of our family of faith. The Spirit speaks to each person in a unique way and by sharing our individual prayer with the group our prayer becomes more accountable and authentic.

The morning group meets in a private home once a month on varied mornings, depending upon the schedule of the members. The evening group meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30 pm in the Father Lyons Room.
New participants are most welcome to join at any time.

Contact Person: Arlene Seeber 484.794.8027 or arleneseeber@icloud.com


 • Spiritual Direction •

What is Spiritual Direction?
Spiritual direction is an ancient practice that creates a sacred environment in which to become more aware of the living God’s presence in your everyday life. Today the Church recommends the practice of Spiritual Direction to all those who wish to live their baptism more fully and to follow the Lord more closely.

During a spiritual direction session you might share about those cares and concerns which grab your heart and won’t let go, such as your relationships, family, choices, loss, goals, work, illness, or various struggles. There are no off- limit topics in spiritual direction. The spiritual director listens and helps you notice God’s action in your life and how you are responding to God’s presence. The goal of spiritual direction is to help you to keep God at the center of your life, to find God in all things, and to discern the invitations of the Holy Spirit in your everyday experience.

What is a Spiritual Director?
As a confidential companion and guide, a spiritual director is someone to accompany you on your journey of spiritual growth and to listen with you for the voice of God in your life.

 Arlene Seeber is a trained spiritual director in the Ignatian (Jesuit) tradition, having completed a two- year program at the Jesuit Center in Wernersville. She holds a B.A. in Social Welfare and a M.A. in Religious Studies from St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Arlene is a member of Spiritual Directors International and is fully insured. She brings to spiritual direction over thirty years experience in church ministry and over ten years as a volunteer with hospice patients in the local community. An active member of St. John parish since 2005, Arlene currently facilitates Faith Sharing for Women, and Justice in Action Ministry, and serves as a Eucharistic Minister.   Arlene is married and the mother of three children and two stepchildren. Together she and her husband have five grandchildren.

Arlene offers her ministry as a voluntary service to our family of faith. She will meet with parishioners for individual, private sessions. All sessions are held in the strictest confidence at a time and location mutually agreed upon. Sessions usually last one hour.

To schedule an appointment you may contact Arlene at 484.794.8027 or arleneseeber@icloud.com


• Charismatic Prayer Group •

Contact – Amelia “Midge” Biancone at 610.777.2215


• RCIA   (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) •

Sessions meet on Tuesdays in the Fr. Lyon’s Room at 7:00 PM.  This course runs usually from early October to a few weeks after Easter.

The RCIA process provides Catholic faith formation to inquiring adults and prepares those interested in celebrating the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist. It is a journey of faith that incorporates the sacred tradition of initiation into the Church through discussion, formation in Church teaching, prayer and discernment.  This is an invitation to those who 1) are not baptized; 2) are baptized in another faith tradition; or 3) are baptized Catholic, but have not received the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation

Please contact the Parish office for more information at 610.777.1697


• Catechists •

Our CCD program is possible due to our faithful catechists. A catechist is a teacher of the faith. Any one interested in teaching, is required to be a person of deep faith with a desire to share that faith.  Training is provided.

For more information please contact our office by calling Mrs. Bernadette Yohn, Director of Religious Education
at: 610.777.1697

We use our Parish Website to communicate important information to our families such as class cancelations due to snow.  www.stjohnsfamilyoffaith.com

Below you will find a copy of our Religious Education Family Handbook.  Please read it carefully since it contains important information.


• CCD / Religious Ed•

This program provides faith formation and instruction for our parish children who attend public school as well as  sacramental  preparation for all the children of the parish.

Our program runs from September to April.  Classes are held on Sunday evening at 6:30 and conclude at 7:45.

Registration & Tuition

1st Grade and New Family Registration

To register for CCD classes, you must be a registered member of St. John’s Parish

We ask that you please register ASAP so we can determine the number of classes and catechists that will be needed.  Please contact us for an appointment to come in and register, or go on line to the above website to obtain a form.


1 child — $50

2 or more children — $25 each


• Vacation Bible School •

Our Vacation Bible School program is held at La Salle Academy usually the second or third week of June. Our themes are full of fun and the children interact with each other in crafts, learning great songs, and listen to the Word of God through plays and fun games.

For more information contact the Parish Office 610.777.1697



**Safe Environment Program**

Volunteers and employees of St. John’s who have any involvement with children must have up to date “Protecting God’s Children” which is a Safe Environment Workshop. Go to the Diocese of Allentown website: www.allentowndiocese.org

Once you receive your Certificate of Completion please bring it to the parish office so a copy may be placed in your file.